Trying to utilise your time as a Mum when you run your own business can be tough! I am not someone who is naturally the most organised (I do love a list mind) but planning my week is something that since I implemented it and found a way that worked for me has helped in so many ways!
Time Block
I love time blocking!! Time blocking is when you set certain times of day to do specific tasks.
When you time block, you don’t have to think about what tasks to focus on next. I plan my week on a Sunday. I find this lets me get more tasks done but also lets me spend more time present with my family. I use a paper planner for my planning out my week.
Before I begin planning I create a list of tasks I want to get done for the week, cleaning, work, personal any errands that need running.
Step 1 - Write down all your commitments.
Everything that has a set time, so appointments, school runs, kids clubs and client calls.
Step 2 - Add your non-negotiables.
Next I like to plan my non-negotiables. The stuff you do for yourself… exercise, meditation or journaling. I tend to block out my time for cleaning at this stage to.
Step 3 - Figure out working hours.
With the remaining time, block out your work hours. This varies with if the kids are in school or on holidays and depending on what appointments or commitments you have each week. Now you will be able to see how many hours you have this week to work on your business.
Step 4 - Add in work tasks into working hours.
Once you have the amount of hours you can use to focus on your business this week, you can now time block your work tasks accordingly. I don’t do this in my paper planner, I do this in clickup. Doing a more detailed time block of my work tasks helps with managing my clients work as well as any admin work or needle moving tasks I can work on for my own business.
For more business tips follow me over on Instagram , let me know how you juggle mum life and your business. I'd love to hear! 💖