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Writer's pictureBetsan

Tips to Help You Work from Home

You started your business at home but find yourself getting distracted and unable to get into ‘the zone’...

3 things that have really helped me working from home:

  1. Use a Timer - This will really stop your proscrainating or from getting distracted. Set a 30 min time and just focus on one thing in that 30 mins. (I use this for cleaning as well as work tasks 😜)

  2. Have a ‘Work’ Space - Sometimes you don’t have a spare room in your house to use as an office, if this is the case try and have a designated work space, for me I have a desk in my kitchen, just fit a small desk wherever you have the space. Having this designated work area will really help you to get into deep concentration when working.

  3. Rewarding Yourself - If you get all the tasks you need to get done that day, go out for a coffee!

What helps you to focus when working from home? Pop over to my Instagram and let me know. I'd love to hear! 💖

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